Be Tou Lake Campground was created by impounding
the waters of Bog Creek to the west. Camping is reletively
spread out allowing for trailers and privacy. The campground
has water but you will need to get it back by the Highway
and bring it to camp. If you fish the the lake, you can
catch rainbow, brook and brown trout.
Be Zazhe Lake Campground has 6 campsites and is
located just east of Shush Be Tou. Amenities are basically
the same.
have never seen a more elaborate campground in all of my
life Almost every campground was decorated, lending me to
believe that there are many summer long campers here. Also,
the fire pits of rock are on steroids here, some are taller
than the picnic tables. You have to see it for yourself.
Shush be Zahze is definitely the nicer of the two campgrounds.
From Pinetop take U.S. Highway 260 east for 15 miles to the small
road sign leading to the campground. Note: if you pass the Hawley
Lake turnoff, you have gone about 1000 feet too far.
lakes are accessible from this road.

Shush Be Tou Lake (Little Bear)